Dear BRFC supporter, in these unprecedented times we have put protocols in place to ensure members, staff, players and volunteers remain safe and adhere to the new laws while at BRFC.
We are operating the Track & Trace system, so each person attending will be required to provide a name and contact details. This can be either through the paper sign in form or using a QR Code Reader on your phone with the QR Code in the lobby. This information will be held securely, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and destroyed after 21 days


Neither you nor any member of your household should come to Bromyard RFC if any member of that household is displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms, ie:

• A high temperature

• A new, continuous cough

• A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

Your entire household should self-isolate in accordance with Government/NHS instructions and arrange to be tested


At all times please follow these safety measures which are now a matter of law, if you breach them, you may be fined £200. Should Bromyard RFC breach or fail to enforce these, the Club could be fined £10,000, so please don’t be offended if we insist on compliance

• Your group must consist of no more than 6 people and none of that group may mingle with members of another group (The Rule of 6), this applies to within the clubhouse and spectators within the grounds. (law)

• Before entering the Clubhouse you MUST now wear a face-covering 

You may only remove this when SEATED whilst EATING or DRINKING, but if you leave your seat please replace your face-covering BEFORE doing so. (law)

(Statutory face-covering exemptions apply)


• Drinks and Food will be by TABLE SERVICE ONLY (law)

Please help us to help you stay safe:

•         Maintain Social Distancing of 2 metres from all those outside of your Household or Support Bubble but, if this is not possible, you must maintain a distance of at least 1 metre

•         Keep your hands and face as clean as possible and avoid touching your face

•         Avoid being face-to-face with people if they are outside your Household or Support Bubble

•         Subject to the ‘Rule of Six’ above; Minimise the number of people you spend time with, and the amount of time spent with each whilst at the club, unless they are in your Household or Support Bubble

•         On arrival please use the hand sanitiser provided

•          Please follow one-way system within the clubhouse

•         Please follow all toilet and hygiene guidelines

Best wishes 
Bromyard RFC Committee